Frugality Magazine - Frugal Living Tips for Financial Freedom

Archive - June 2015

Want to earn more money? Many people consider getting a second job - but is this the right solution for you? Here are some sensible reasons why you *shouldn't* get a second job. #frugality

5 Reasons Not To Get A Second Job

If you’re heavily in debt – or have some serious savings goals – then it makes sense to try and earn as much income as you possibly can. After all, the more you earn, the sooner you can reach your target. Possibly the most obvious technique for...

Do you want to make more money, pay off debt and finally get your budget under control? When it that case you need to start a side hustle. Here are 5 great reasons to start earning extra money on the side...

5 Reasons Why You Must Start Your Own Side Hustle Today

In personal finance terms, a “side hustle” is the phrase we use to refer to any extra source of income. Anything that brings in money above and beyond your normal job. For personal finance bloggers like me they’re second nature; for most of the...

How to pay off debt when everyone around you seems to be getting ahead. Here's how to end the financial frustration and finally take control of your money...

How To Pay Off Debt When Everyone Else Is Getting Ahead

It’s very easy to look at personal finance as some sort of race. We have (roughly) the same amount of time on this earth – but some of us accumulate far more wealth than others. These are the “winners” of the race, while other people struggle just...

Should you pay off debt or save money? Here's the math behind the perfect answer to this complex question about debt elimination...

Should You Pay Off Debt Or Save Money?

One of the most commonly-asked questions I receive is whether someone should pay off debt or save money. It’s a question that I myself wrestled with for some time when I first started to take control of my finances. So I did a whole lot of research...

Want to live a debt free life? Say no to expensive debt payments by following these simple principles...

4 Simple Steps For Living A Debt Free Life

Getting out of debt is only half the battle; staying out of debt can be almost as problematic for many people. After all, when you’ve lived on a tight budget for months, or even years, to become debt-free it’s tempting when you finally hit zero to...

Even without debt you should still live a frugal lifestyle. Here's the secret bout getting ahead financially...

Debt Free? 3 Reasons Why You Should Still Live Frugally

I remember when I finally bit the bullet and started to make serious inroads into paying off my debt. The first few months were tough, having to tell myself not to spend money on things I wanted. It took considerable self-discipline and I don’t mind...

How to control your emotional spending so you can live on a budget, pay off debt and start to save money for the future.

How To Control Your Emotional Spending

One of the most common financial problems involves so-called “emotional spending”. Most typically the phrase refers to people who use “retail therapy” to cheer themselves up, reward themselves or relieve boredom. Generally speaking, emotional...

Living on a budget can be difficult. If you live frugally for too long and deny yourself all of life's little pleasures it's all too easy to get demotivated. But it doesn't have to be like that - here's how you can treat yourself on a budget - and not blow your personal finances!

5 Ways to Treat Yourself On A Tight Budget

From time to time we all need to let off a little steam and treat ourselves to something special. Even many diets include “cheat meals” so you can enjoy a little of something you enjoy. It makes perfect sense. When you try to be “good” the whole...