Frugality Magazine - Frugal Living Tips for Financial Freedom

Frugality Blog

Living for the Moment Versus Saving for the Future

Contents In theory building wealth is very simple. Cut your expenses as low as you possibly can while growing your income. As the gap between these two numbers widens you invest the remainder into appreciating or cash-producing assets like shares or...

My Trussle Review: The Best Online Mortgage Broker?

Contents Trussle is arguably one of the biggest and best-known online mortgage brokers. In spring of 2019 I was on the hunt for my very first mortgage, and I decided to give them a go. In this article we’ll discuss every aspect of applying for a...

50+ Tips for Getting Out of Debt Fast

Contents Sometimes trying to get out of debt can feel like swimming through treacle. No matter how hard you try, your progress can be frustratingly slow. Surely there has to be a better way? Today we’re going to look at a huge number of proven tips...

What is Barista FI?

Contents BaristaFI is a phrase used to describe someone who isn’t fully financially independent (i.e. no longer needs to work) but has enough income from passive investments that they only need a modest job to make up the difference between their...

How to Save Money For a House While Renting

Contents Saving money for a house is tough at the best of times. But if you’re already blowing a load of money each month on rent then things can really be tough. What’s the answer? Having just achieved this dream myself, today I want to talk about...

What is Coast FI?

Contents CoastFI is a phrase used to describe someone who isn’t yet financially independent (i.e. no longer needs to work) but has already put in the necessary effort to almost inevitably achieve that goal. They don’t need to save any more money to...

How to Survive a Job You Hate

Contents Based on the most popular articles on this blog, a fair number of you hate your job. Sadly, there are all sorts of reasons why just finding a new job isn’t possible (right now, at least). Some examples can include: You get paid well above...